Twelve + One: July 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Hello hello from mua!

Wait, I guess when you are reading might think, who's this?? Yes, its a new voice which had not spoken on this blog for AGES (I sooo can't remember when was my last post..probably sometime in 2006). Oh well, try not to scroll down and unravel the mystery author behind this post. Lol.

Anyways, I was reading through our blog...yes, many many memories and just random posts that we had. But there was a post which reminded me how much things have changed. I shall refer your attention to the post on 5 March 2006.

Yeah yeah, to save your time, I'm just gonna post it up here. And I quote:

"*sigh*don't we all wish that there really was a sweep us off our feet with his charm....*sigh*yes,,i just watched the movie..and although it is some what lacking in certainly makes up with the endless lameass way casanova quickly changes his identity...and how tht gal gives him an almost handjob ala american pie...hahaha..but dont worry...we all have our own casanovas..although they will never be as sweet..or as us...they will always be our casanovas...*sigh*i got that tingly feeling ARE our casanovas....well...since my friggin comp wont let me press enter..i shall have to type it out like francesca brumi has jacamo casanova, istee cheah ru jii has yee jun casanova, samantha lim xin hua has jin eu casanova, capri soo pik yee, michelle has andrew casanova,yiwayn has calvin casanova, enli has nigel casanova, foong mei has...-----casanova...shannon isnt the world perfect.we all have our casanovas...and may they always love us with all their hearts..*sighs*i love my casanova very sure you gusy do for the GUYS...well...what can i say to you..aspire to be someone's casanova...for you might win the hearts of all women...but only one can win yours.after all..the movie tagline is.....He won every woman's heart. She won his."

Ah yes. Please tell me that time does fly by. As we reflect on our past..we notice how almost (if not all!) of our "casanovas" have changed. Just a lil bit of irony that how we thought (or atleast en li!) thought that these people were our casanovas (Gosh, I hate it everytime when I have to use the word we but I could not resist pointing this thing out!Crap!) Goes to show that our needs and personalities change over time and what we want back then may not be the same as what we want now. What we look for would have changed as well. Anyone care to comment on how you've changed/what you're looking for/what you've found? (Well its a cheesy topic but then I just cant seem to end this post nicely. Dont comment if you don't want to. Or you malu. But oh well, who wants to read our blog anyway?)

Or even better, anyone care to make a revised view of our list of casanovas? Just to let you know, mine's Jay Chou =)