Twelve + One: Im too gullible

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Im too gullible

Hey, guys.. U know, all this time I thought that our dear Yi Wayn was the gullible one in our group. And occasionally Capri, who didnt know what hentai was. But it seems that im not that great either. Lol. I got tricked bad 3 times this month by YF peeps (church ppl sumore!!).

First, Paik Qinn told me he was terminally ill & was gona be hospitalised. I got pretty upset & worried & i started praying 4 him. Theeen he starts laughing @ me. Ass.

After that I asked for Chew's feet size so that i could buy shoes 4 his bday. He told me his feet were size 15 and i actually went out to look for shoes that size. Then thinkin bout it properly, if my feet are size 4, can you imagine what size 15 would look like?? Asses.

And 20 minutes before this, Soon Seng told me he was 16 years old and YES... I believed him. I was like, "Huh? I always thought you were older than me." And he was like, "No, seriously. I'm 16." And Im like, "Dont pull my leg ok? I already kena twice recently." And he said, "Which leg u want me 2 pull? U think 16 years old can drive meh."
Me: "..............................................................................................."

Anyway, for those of you who dont know, i'll be off to Taiwan + Hong Kong 2mrw! Cant wait 2 shop till i drop. Be praying for journey mercies (those goin to Genting or holidays) & for our church Christmas production play. Hope to see most of you on the 22nd~!

Luv u all very very much,
Sammy Y