Twelve + One: Goodbyeeeeee...

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Its 3 hrs before i leave my house for Putrajaya, where alll the buses are gonna be...ahhhh..feel freaking nervous because for once in my life, it's like nothing is certain anymore....anything could happen

Anyway, just wanna say thanks for coming over todday, really means something you know to spend the last few remaining hours with the ppl you love....haha..owh btw, just wanna say thanks to all of you for the bolster (is that how you spell it?)...and the DVD player as well..(no, i havent forgotten abt that)...owh btw, the bolster is safely tucked in my luggage bag which i will bring along to NS tmrw....nervous wehhh...anyway, i'm going to miss you alllllll soooo soooooo much, and you all better promise me that we'll stay as tight as we all are now...dont lose contact of each other ok!...esp those in help and taylors..make an effort to go out, msg, and hang out 2gether. And of course, dont forget the ppl in Uk as well, MAIL them, and the uk ppl also please blog la once in a while...would wanna know how you all are doing. And last but not least, write letters to me ok...but i'll write first la...but knowing how slow malaysian mailing system is, it'll prob reach you all quite late..haha..but nevertheless write back!!...Like shannon said, i'd die w/o knowing whats going on in the outside world...=)

So b4 i go Zzzzzzz, just want to say good luck to you all wherever, and whenever, and take care of each other!..Coazzzz..

Love you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lots,