Twelve + One: short quick one

Friday, January 13, 2006

short quick one

short post here..cos ive got break and i cant really come online..until during weekends cos we gotta share comps here..n my days r kinda packed anyway until 8.30..
we have prep classes 2 hours everyday after school..its when the whole school goes quiet n studies/does homework etc..and i mean,QUIET!!!! teacher to monitor u..we're just disciplined =) ppl here r disciplined when the principal talks at assembly (its once a week on tues after school) we go QUIET..not like back in wms..all talking bhind mr peter's back..n ppl do pay attn..well well..
im more settled in..theres potatoes EVERYDAY..i dun wanna go fat!!n everyday oso got meat!!!noo!!!
its kind of hard catching up with work..cos everythings in english and ive done it all in malay..i found out 2 days ago that gradient was kecerunan!
we had a test on our first physics lesson..good rite??sighss...i did quite okay though..not as bad as i thought i would do..i got arnd 26/36..nigel got 21..hahaha..btw im next to nigel in physics
according to poh choo he eats A LOT..en smthing to him..he sounds like a food machine or smthing..(btw en li got wat tvb show on now?is it armed reaction??) next..guys..well i havent seen any cute guys really..not my type la..
um there r a lot of asian ppl..not a lot of english german n ukraine n greek n etc etc..quite diversed though..
ppl here r all really nice..n really friendly..wayyy better than wms..
toilets here,really really clean!good =) we all like clean toilets
sounds like we r very civilized ppl..hehe..
lessons has been ok,we've got tests every sat =(..i went to shrewsbury 2 times already..bought some things for my room and bought a pair of earrings!!now got winter sale,some things r even cheaper than back in kl!!!

a lil update on wy that u guys probably didnt know..he doesnt seem to have much ppl around him..i dont know,i dont think he's very gonna talk to him...make him feel more at home =)
ok gtg study for test..take care guys..~!!(hope u guys enjoy college..i am!)