Twelve + One: Eggstrodinary

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Hey y'all~ Lemme tell u bout our egg expedition (eggspedition) after our sad sad experience at the board games gala yesterday (we won 1 game & lost 3). Joined En, Mic & Eugene at Muthus to find them already stuffing their faces with telur setengah masak. En suddenly burst out, "We're the desperate eggs!" and laughed at her own 'joke'. If Capri had done that i would have given her the stare. That's why ive missed her so much. Then i started wondering if eating so many eggs would increase our fertility - a thought which i gave some serious thought to but was laughed off by Mic & En. Btw, En is just born with bad luck sumtimes. The eggs she ordered were overcooked so she tried taking 1 of Mic's eggs which also turned out to be overcooked but the 1 Mic was eating was just nice. But Eugene & i like our eggs overcooked so we ate them. Then En started dreaming of ostrich eggs & to my horror, Michelle said that she shared the same fantasy! And they got so eggcited talking bout how 1 ostrich egg would equal to 10 ordinary eggs. We also started imagining Capri wobbling around like an egg. Another reason we've missed her so. No1 to kutuk! As u can see im very very bored. But lazy to go back to coll also. Aiks.. Owell, can c u Taylors peeps there at least. Dont 4get to help En campaign for student board! Luv ya