Twelve + One: As Shann was saying...

Monday, April 17, 2006

As Shann was saying...

AKU LULUS!!! Yipeee! It's part kopi-o licence but it's still a licence okaay... Hahaha.. I shall blab now.

Mr Yap brought me to the driving place along with 2 other ppl. I made friends with one of them - an ah lian girl with really big eyes. She shook my hand while we were waiting and introduced herself but i didnt catch it cause her accent was weird so she pointed at her bracellet and i finally went, "Oooh!! Crystal is it?" Lol. I introduced myself as Sam, something simple so I wouldnt have to hear anything like Sa-man-taaa. I tried to comprehend her chinese but it didnt work, and she couldnt understand a word i was saying either so we ended up converesing in BM. Like, how sad is that. Funny how BM does help in some occasions. She asked if i was Chinese or mix (???) and when i asked her how many hours of driving did she learn she replied, "Pukul enam" (-_-"). That aside, she was really nice and sweet. The other person was a skinny Malay dude with a ponytail & moustache. Amir i think.

Anyway, I started with the road test which was weird cause most ppl start with the bukit & all. The examiners all look the same i swear. Fat, moustached, and sunglasses. Totally impossible to tell them apart. And there was also 1 lady examiner who looked like the rest. No need to elaborate. I checked everything except for gear bebas and i didnt hear the guy say jalan so went i asked him, "Boleh saya jalan?" he was a total bitch. He like sighed really loudly and said, "Saya sudah kata jalan, kenapa tak jalan?!" So i jalan. And he nagged occasionally. I went furthur than Kok Shen but not that far. When he thought it was safe he told me to u-turn quickly ("Cepat cepat! Tekan minyak!"). Waited quite long for the 2nd part and the sign, 'Bersabar Menunggu Giliran Anda' at the seating area didnt really help.

Bukit was the scariest for me cause i saw so many ppl fail no matter how hard they press the oil. Dem kesian okay.. But THANK GOD i made it. Parking & pusingan 3-penjuru were flawless. I finished quite early, before 12! Crystal failed her bukit but she gave extra to cover up and therefore passed. Goodness knows what happened to Amir.