Twelve + One: I was curious...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I was curious... i Yahoo-ed on ' medical benefits of eating seahorses'...and this is what i came up with :

Seahorse Medicine
A report from Oxford University says that the seahorse population in the Indo-Pacific region has fallen by 50 percent in the last five years because of increased harvesting for medicinal purposes. More than 20 million seahorses are used each year for their purported medical benefits in conditions such as asthma and heart disease. They're also included in the list of creatures and substances said to have aphrodisiac properties. Seahorses are in especially high demand in China and Hong Kong, where one kilogram can sell for as much as $1,200.4

Then as i continue to read on the page..i found this :

Tall People Live Longer
At a meeting of the British Congress of Gerontology recently, a Southampton researcher outlined his research that showed a strong link between height and longevity. Some studies, he says, show that an eight-inch height difference in adult women can translate into half the mortality. However, excessively tall men seem to lose the advantage (nyahahhha..hint hint). One explanation is that healthy children grow taller and have a long-lasting edge on their less- fortunate peers.

Btw, i watched Gubra today, IT IS DAMN GOOD MAN!...You all should definitely watch it..and hurry..screening ends on May 6tH!..