Twelve + One: Guess what time's my curfew?!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Guess what time's my curfew?!

FUKIN 10 peee emmm (p.m.) wei!!! well not really lar..juz that my dad said wherever i am, i have to leave the place by 10! juz bcoz i came back late today (12am) ..not late to some of u guys but VERY LATE for my dad...ishhh i'm damn pissed off weii...screw over-protective parents..they shud learn to LET ME GO..i'm not a kid anymore weiii..yea lar i know they're trying to protect me and all but sooner or later i'll have to learn to take care of myself ritee..ishh..n they think my frens cannot be trusted n all..they think NOBODY can be trusted..they think hartamas is a bad influence..i dunno bout that la but i think with the right company it shud be alright rite?! lilke u guys n all..ISH... y cant they be more open like sam's n cap's parents..they do care but not to the extend that they think u guys (sam n cap) lepaking is VERYY VERYY BADDD n it might juz make them bad kids n about being PARANOID WEI!!