Twelve + One

Monday, May 22, 2006

hows it going ppl?
well,i have nothing much to update over here..
exams have already started..ive done my chem n physics practical n my c1 n c2 maths..
erm,all ok so far..
ive got english theres not much to study honestly but its not easy to score..u know how language papers are..
i cant wait for AS to be over,then i'll go to birmingham n EAT nice food..then ofcourse SHOP!

btw whats this wif cap being away from the gang cos of jon?
cap: chill lah...dun think so much..we are understanding ppl =)
jon: i wonder if she would choose u or the pig...hmmm..

ohh btw we made toasties on saturday nite
it was good!!!SO GOOD!
we used my rice cooker n fried egg..add soya sauce n pepper..
n then put in chicken mixed wif thai sweeet chili sauce..+ egg+honey roasted ham (the one at ASDA..a big big very very nice!!) + was so good!will post up pics later..when i have them

and its been raining very almost..ALMOST..everyday
so now although its..erm..summer...its still cold
but i think later next month of so it will be warmer again..

so i guess thats for it now..ive been online for too long
btw dont expect me to online as frequently as last time..cos sometimes internet connection is down etc etc... still thinkin of u guys!=)
take care alrites??