After bak kut teh, we went to MV. Got stuck in the freakin jam for more than an hour i think?! Plus parking. OMG la! Disadvatages of driving...
Okay so we watched the 3.30pm poseidon. It was quite good la i liked it! We called the rest to come but nooooo they wanna study! hardworking shit la u guyssss making me feel damn bad only!! Cap and jon came and we bought them the side row seats *wink* hahaha but we didnt catch them doing "stuff" ! ahaha we started throwing popcorn at them..damn funny!
After the movie, still quite early so me n fm decided to watch MI3!!! was damn good la! i recommend thhat ALL OF YOU should watch this in the cinema while it's still showing..but then again, most of u already watched it..except for the sad ones who choose to study at home (shall not mention names =P) hahaha jk la! love u guyss!
Okay, this is the FIFTH BLARDY TIME i uploaded this pic because i kept deleting it while i'm typing all that crap up there..ish pissing off! and u know la how long it takes for blogger to upload pics...
And this blardy pic..had to upload twice..yeesshh..