Twelve + One: Back to messy again

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back to messy again

If i remembered desk was super-duper clean and bloody hell neat...and now its like this, again:

Stacks and stacks of lecture notes, whatever happened to text books??

That's my mum's new flat screen, its directly next to my laptop
space, cramped gila...and dont ask why the tissue paper is there.

Bloody lots of wires man, and that jug of water is mine, haha
too lazy to go all the way down to get it. lol.
(oh mic, rmb the mug there? lol)

Anyway, you guys should blog more often. Cmon where are the PCD pics?!?!..share some experience okay, for some people here who tak de peluang nak pergi..

Miss you guys larh.