Twelve + One: Silly Cookies

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Silly Cookies

Today i was bored.. So i decided to bake! :D Ever since the 'stupid' cake incident, I've decided to rename everything i bake starting with the letter 'S'. Therefore, i present to you, Silly Cookies~!

Sarah's friends apparently said that my last batch of animal cookies were 'heavenly' so of course i feel syok lah. Little brats.. So clever to puji, make me wanna feed them more! And to add to that was my success with a random cake which i made on my Genting trip with 5K. I made that cake WITHOUT following any recipe but surprisingly the boys went crazy over it! Not to mention our dear Capri :p

Anyway, i packed the cookies in plastic boxes for my sis & bro to bring to school & the only boxes available were from the Chicken Rice Shop. Still got the chicken sticker there somemore.. So ugly.

Being fussy ol me (Bree!) i go decorate a bit to cover up the stupid chicken design with my favourite colours.

Purple & Black~! So Anna Sui

I even came up with a name for my cookie 'business'.

Sammy's Snazzy Snacks

Wanted to put Sammy's Secret or Sammy's Recipe but that's sooo Secret Recipe wannabe. This is much better! Heheh! Anyway, Aunty Sammy is not selfish wan.. So she wants to share her recipe with you guys! Here you go!

Remember to support me when I become a famous pastry chef & live in France! Bon appetit~!