Twelve + One: Phobias

Monday, October 16, 2006


I've always told people that I have fear of heights, whenever anyone tries to force me up a high tower or any freaky high place for that matter, referring to it as 'high fright'. Well, I finally took the initiative to search for it's scientific word and I found this whole list of types of phobias..Gosh, some of them are seriously quite unthinkable of and not to mention hilarious! XD Check this out :p

-Acrophobia : Fear of heights [Yeapz..that's me =(. All the same, I still wanna go sky diving at least once in my lifetime! =D Though i know i would freak out and regret like mad when im finally up on the same level as the clouds *gulp* ><]
-Agoraphobia : Fear of public places, crowds or uncontrolled social conditions

-Algophobia : Fear of pain [Who likes feeling pain? =/...oh wait, i forgot. Sadists =)]

-Androphobia : Fear of males [If it's a female, she's bound to turn lessbian. If it's a male, he will never turn gay?]

-Anthropomorphobia : Fear of anthropomorphic traits

-Aquaphobia, Hydrophobia : Fear of water, specificially the morbid fear of drowning [This fella is really gonna stink. I doubt he ever bathes! o.0]

-Aulophobia : Fear of flutes [Wonder if there are phobias for guitars and pianos as well..hmmm]

-Astraphobia : Fear of thunder [My dog? =p]

-Bacillophobia : Fear of microbes and bacteria [Sorry to be the one to break this news to u, but microbes and bacterias are everwhere!]

-Botanophobia : Fear of plants

-Bathophobia : Fear of depth

-Cheimathophobia : Fear of being cold

-Cibophobia : Aversion to food [How long are these people's average lifespan? 5 days? 1 week? 1 month?]

-Claustrophobia : Fear of confined spaces

-Clinophobia : Fear of going to bed or falling asleep [I can't believe there's such a phobia! XD This person will definitely win that 72 hour movie marathon thingie had awhile ago =p]

-Coulropobia : Fear of clowns [Sammy~ *cough cough* =p]

-Dentophobia : Fear of dentist

-Dysmorphophobia : A Phobic obsession with real or imaginary body defect

-Eosophobia : Fear of dawn

-Elasophobia : Fear of being elasominated

-Emetophobia : Fear of vomiting [We will never have to worry about this person getting Bulemia =)]

-Ergasiophobia : Fear of work or functioning, or a surgeons fear of operating

-Erotophobia : Fear of sexual love or sexual questions

-Erythrophobia : Pathological blushing

-Genophobia : Fear of sexual intercourse [This person is destined to be single for life =/]

-Gephyrophobia : Fear of crossing bridges

-Glossophobia : Fear of speaking in public or trying to speak

-Gymnophobia : Fear of nudity [Bathe with their clothes on? =/]

-Heliophobia : Fear of sunlight [I wonder if plants have phobias =p]

-Hemophobia : Blood [Jamaliah =p]

-Hesakosioihesekontahexaphobia : Fear of the number 666

-Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia : Fear of long words [Pls dun ever let whoever with this phobia see the name of this phobia!]

-Lalophobia : Fear of speaking [Bet he wishes he was least then people won't keep nagging for him to speak =/]

-Ligyrophobia : Fear of loud noises

-Lyssophobia : Fear of going insane [Dude, for having this phobia, u're already insane! =.=]

-Mysophobia : Fear of germs, contamination or dirt

-Necrophobia : Fear of death, the dead

-Neophobia : Fear of newness, novelty [I should find someone like this..i would willingly trade my old stuff for their new n there goes my kind deed for the day! =D]

-Nyctophobia : Fear of darkness

-Osmophobia : Fear of smells

-Paraskavedekatriaphobia : Fear of friday the 13th [Last Friday was Friday the 13th just fyi =p]

-Phyrophobia : Fear of fire

-Radiophobia : Fear of radiation or x-rays

-Sociophobia : Fear of society or people in general [Loners?]

-Taphephobia : Fear of technology [If everyone had this phobia, we would still be living in the era of living in caves and wearing leaves as clothes =/]

-Thalassaphobia : Fear of the sea

-Tokophobia : Fear of childbirth [There goes the human population =(]

-Triskaidekaphobia : Fear of the number 13 [Why not 15,23 or 79?]

-Trypanophobia : Fear of needles, injections or pointed objects

-Xenophobia : Fear of strangers, foregners or aliens [Ahhhh! I dun know u, dun come near me! What? U're my mum? Dun lie! No one introduced u to me while i was still in ur womb!]

So, which of these many phobias do u possess? ;)