Twelve + One: attempt to save to blog a.k.a super duper embarassment

Thursday, August 02, 2007

attempt to save to blog a.k.a super duper embarassment

lol im so blardy sien right......i was like going thru all the files in my comp...deleting those unused or unwanted ones.....then i saw an unrecognised file.........after opening it.....OMG OMG OMG OMG...guess wat i found.....PICS OF MYSELF LAST TIME...........didnt noe i was so..........ugly...check this out ladies and gents.........
wat the fc*k hairstyle is this wei
sorry enli....u had to be there lol...
this is form 4 OMFG.

wtf right...cannot believe myself LOL......

by the way ..anyone has pics of me like......before form 5??? coz i dont hav this is the only one somehow...b4 dat....anyone??? send me yea......

oh yea...who can ever forget THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS