Twelve + One: Winter Holz 2007!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Winter Holz 2007!!!!!!!

I just got back from holidaysss.....damn depressed nowww..exam starts on the 10thh.....haven't study shit........

So as u guys know....i didn't go back to Msia this Winter....
-Went to Coventry (Warwick Uni) on the 7th
-Birmingham on the 10th
-London on the 18th....stayed with Oli in ISTEE'S place! (thanks loads Istee!..and wee rin) shop shop......boxing day...should i love it or hate it?...i dont know...its so crowded i cant friggin move in any shops....its so crazy the escalators in river island (a shop) just stopped moving due to overweight....escalators getting overweight??...only happens on boxing day sales i mood to shop....too many people......but.....Armani shirt ...from 200 pounds to 39 pounds?...crazy shit.........

-29th......FLY TO TURIN! this is the part im gonna blog about.....from turin, italy...took a 2 hour bus ride to Serre Chevalier, France. Its basically a part of the french alps called serre chevalier....

Went there for a week long ski trip with my cousin and his friends....snow boarding to be exact.....Wasnt really keen at first after the countless amount of falls in mount sure sung, wy and sammy can relate......but trust me...this is NOTHING like buller.....Basically....everyone there is divided into groups in the beginners group. Everyday, we will have lessons from 9 to 12...and 2 to doesnt matter if you are a beginner..or expert....there will be lessons suited for each stage...and everyday we learn different stuff.....unlike mount buller.....we were given....i would say a 30 min lesson...and of we go to the slopes to die.......but this one we are guided from scratch...for 6 days.......

so as a beginner.....i learnt the to turn left and right...and all that...but the experts will go to snow park.....its basically like....a park....for skiers/boarders to do jumping in the air and do tricks .......skiing on a horizontal bar...stuff like that...

the placed i stay in is called UCPA...its actually a youth sleep in "dorms"..they say its a dorm...but it feels nothing like a dorm......4 beds a room..everyone has their own bed.......and shared WC/Bathroom......the only diff part is we have to clean the room and toilet outselves....thats all...

ALL meals are provided.......and i expected shit food...for a youth hostel...but...gosh .....its NOTHING near SHITTY...might be better then some hotel buffets......french food.......from starters to desserts...everything damn niceee.........but we have to clean our own tables and all la.....

some pics

very .....vague post i know......

Im most likely going again for winter 08.....not the same place..but for winter wanna come!!!!.....its not expensiveeee

for this trip right....
6 nights accomo
3 meals provided everyday (exellent meals)
lessons for 6 days
equipment rental for 6 days
flight from london to turin + Bus from turin to serre chevalier + Bus from serre che to turin + flight from turin to london

600 pounds....

ok la...600 pounds sounds like alot....but thats JUST your ticket back to malaysia....


eyyy march holz how?