Twelve + One: yes i am that bored

Monday, May 12, 2008

yes i am that bored


lets play a game.

list out ONE thing that u think all of us MIGHT NOT know about yourself

(if u wanna write it..just edit post and add it down here. dont need to start a new topic)

Kshen : I might have told some of u this b4...or maybe not, but my hair ......from form 1 to 5.....yes...even until form my dad cut wan. I've never visited a salon in high school. Everytime got hair check i just ask my dad to cut for me.

Miccy: whoa serious? the last time i let my dad touch my hair...i ended up in tears! never trusted him with the scissors ever again! okay mine...i have this habit of using my nails and scraping skin/nail on my fingers that are jutting out until it's long enough for me to bite it off...i also have this habit of just biting skin that i feel i'm able to bite off without hurting myself like those hard skin or like when we've been in the showers too long and our skin start to wrinkle (very easy to bite off)..n i just eat them..heee sry..too gross =P

Shann: I might be bicurious or even bisexual.

Oliver: I just took this test online and it told me i am a control-freak. And i realized ITS SO TRUE.

P.S - Mic, thats way weird.

EnLi: I kinda knew that about Shann, I think you told me once... One of those form 5 "back of the class" conversations. Mic's and Kshen's confession stands in my book. Lol. So kshen, did your dad shave you bald? and Mic, I think that there are *more* embarassing situations that what you've descibed.*lol* remember city of angels? and the emo part..then..suddeeennlyyyy......hahaha. what would you guys not know about actually im an open book (as most of you would agree wholly) so it's super hard for me to think. er. er. ooh ooh IVE STARTED EATING VEGGIES... lol.cauliflower with cheese nyums. on an emo-er note, though i may seem like a huge romantic, i remain rather cynical on love. yes, it's true. lol. yeah yeah dont believe me lar. but seriously. :D