Twelve + One: very farnie

Friday, October 03, 2008

very farnie

hello hello,
I'm back in UK as u all already know, which means....yes...start blogging again.
Somehow i just dont have the mood/content to blog in KL.......
but gonna try to revive this long dead blog.
Before i start, PLEASE do forgive me as, i'm gonna post some disgusting camwhore pics of...... myself LOL (as usual)

no its not pimples...again.....or...any weird ass red marks.....but too bad...its about the face again usual

so, as u all know...i have 2 brothers.......i dont think i look like them....or they look like me or watever......but 1 thing they have ....but i EYE LIDS, which kinda sucks...coz i think double eyelids are nice.

well most of the rather good looking people......have double eyelids....well unless u consider rain hot ...which i

so its rather frustrating because my bros have super deep double eye lids......and my youngest bro even have triple eye lids on one of his eyes. BUT I DONT....

WELL, i always wanna know how things would be if i had double eyelid, but im not rich enough for a surgery, and....what if i dont like it.....theres no turning back with surgery,...and yea im not despo/depressed enough to opt for a surgery JUST FOR AN EXTRA FRIGGIN LINE ABOVE MY EYES

but thanks to innovated and vain people......

i think i look like a girl, no?