Twelve + One: April 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

hari bahasa melayu


apa khabar????

Saya sangat teramat rindu kat kau semua !

harap semua orang dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera

tolong kirimkan salam kepada ahli keluarga anda

saya tidak boleh menumpukan perhatian membaca buku walaupun tarikh peperiksaan semakin menghampiri kerana saya asyik mimpi tentang benda benda yang saya ingin buat ketika di malaysia

kita mesti gila gila yea?

eh kenapa tahun ini tak merancang untuk pergi beristirehat kat tempat perlancongan?

walaupun setiap tahun pun tak jadi

tapi ini tradisi kita

saya rasa tahap bahasa melayu saya umpama murid form 1 dalam set 3 BM.

sampai sinilah surat saya kali ini

sekian terima kasih

yang benar,


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


coming soon

chehh ada trailer pulak

Monday, April 14, 2008


Guys guys guys, something is happening and it's freaking me out

someone is using my malaysia 017 number and calling my dad, miss calling him for about 20 times and also sending him text msges that my dad has no ability to comprehend or decipher......but the freaky thing malaysia sim card....IS WITH ME NOW . and i put it in my wallet...not in my i didnt accidentally call him or ..send him weird msges when im sleep walking.....

So those of Malaysia....or not......if ure free....and curious.....and if u dont mind.....try calling my 017 number and check out what's going on. If that person is so free to call my dad...i dont see why they wont call u.......

Edit : ok after much thinking...i think u guys better not call la..incase it's some kinda supernatural

Sunday, April 06, 2008

8 weeks

I dunno if any of you ever felt this before. I get like...sudden flashes from the past. As if it is some kinda premonition, but from the past.

Its not about any events or anything I once did, it's more of the sights and sounds i use to experience. Something like a deja vu, but im damn sure it has happened before.

for example, when i woke up this morning...u know the moment when u're awake but u haven't open your eyes, like you know ure in ure own room therefore u expect to see wat u normally will see, and this morning i had the image of my room back in KL in my head and when i opened my eyes -WTF where the hell am i...after 3 secs....oh im in uk.

The sky was very blue today, i was staring out my window. i love staring out the window. And suddenly i see that familiar image, the view i see when i stare out my kl window, the sights...the smell of the polluted air, and the sound from the auntie behind scolding her maid all came to me.

And when i walked into the kitchen, i saw my flatmate taking out some onions, that smell reminded me of the smell onions in ramli burgers, suddenly i was in front of the burger stall, hearing the ramli dude banging his spatula on the stove, smelling the world's best burger, feeling damn hungry.

I think this is called home sickness.

And yes, Malaysia is the best country in the world with the best people u'll ever meet.

While typing this i feel a sudden rush of warmness in my eyes.

8 more weeks people.

Ive left for 7 months already, it did past really quickly, but this 8 weeks seem to be reallllly long.

8 more weeks till i can actually feel sweaty again. 8 more weeks till i feel the sun burning my skin.

The phrase that i currently cherish the most - "welcome to kuala lumpur international airport. Selamat datang ke lapangan terbang antarabangsa kuala lumpur"

Now i understand why people get up and take their luggages before the seat belt sign is off after landing.

I will be one of them.